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Reading at Heyes Lane Primary School

Our Vision

Why reading is Important

Curriculum Content

Our English lessons aim to provide children with creative opportunities to apply their reading and writing skills. English lessons are planned collaboratively. Teachers make imaginative and motivating connections to themes, which empower children to apply their subject knowledge and express themselves with confidence.

Inspiring and engaging hooks are used to bring reading to life: trips, visitors, teachers in role and special curriculum days immerse children in their themes, broaden their subject knowledge and provide them with rich, varied and unique experiences.

English lessons contain three interlinking sections: reading, reading into writing and writing. In addition to this, our children are active learners, who know how to practise their core reading skills.   

During the reading part of the lesson, the children use well-chosen class novels, extracts and model texts to improve their reading skills. Texts are linked to themes and widen the children’s knowledge and vocabulary. A love of reading is extended beyond English lessons: our teachers love reading to their classes and the children continue reading for pleasure at home. Our Library is accessible to all children on a weekly basis and children are excited and inspired by the selection of texts they can choose from.

Simple view of reading

Learning to read consists of developing skills in two critical areas:

  • Reading each word in texts accurately and fluently
  • Comprehending the meaning of texts being read (both listening and reading).
  • Early Reading and Phonics

    In Nursery children are introduced to Phase 1 where they learn to identify sounds and rhyming patterns.

    In Reception Little Wandle (Revised Letters and Sounds) is used to teach systematic synthetic phonics. Children learn new sounds each day and develop blending skills to read words. They read a fully decodable reading book linked to these sounds 3 times a week in their reading practice sessions. These sessions also develop prosody and comprehension skills.

    In Year 1 Little Wandle (Revised Letters and Sounds) continues and develops the children’s knowledge of systematic synthetic phonics. Reading practice sessions continue three times a week for each child and the fully decodable books progress through to Phase 5. Prosody and comprehension skills continue to be taught at each child’s phonic level.

    In Year 2-6 children read a book banded at their reading level. At Heyes Lane we acknowledge individual children’s reading ability will develop at a different pace, we promote fluency and consolidation by re-reading and re-visiting texts. Book bands are carefully mapped to year groups to provide progression as children develop in their reading skills.

  • reading at home

    We develop a strong home/school partnership from the outset, where children are encouraged to read every night and this is closely monitored. In Reception and Year 1 children take home their Little Wandle (Revised Letters and Sounds) fully decodable book at the end of the week, alongside the school star book which is for children to practise unfamiliar words and comprehension skills with their parents. Each child also has access to our school library and takes home a book on a weekly basis. In Year 2-6 children take home their book banded reading book and are encouraged to read both independently and with an adult.

    Please see the documents below for a range of age-appropriate reading question prompts to support your child's reading at home:

Progression and Outcome

The impact of teaching reading at Heyes lane is measured by the development of fluency and comprehension skills. Benchmarking, NfER assessments and teacher assessments are used to track progress across the year. We believe that by promoting a culture of achievement, every pupil will want to be an active, life-long reader. By championing individuality and personal growth, our pupils become confident readers who enjoy reading for pleasure and understand how reading is at the core of all learning. Our dynamic curriculum enables our pupils to immerse themselves in exceptional and inspirational texts.

The following content domain skills are developed and practised over several guided and whole class reading sessions:

  • Key Stage 1 content domains

    1a draw on knowledge of vocabulary to understand texts

    1b Identify / explain key aspects of fiction and non-fiction texts, such as characters, events, titles and information

    1c Identify and explain the sequence of events in texts

    1d make inferences from the text

    1e predict what migh happen on the basis of what has been read so far

  • Key Stage 2 Content Domains

    2a Give/explain the meaning of words in context

    2b Retrieve and record information / identify key details from fiction and non-fiction

    2c Summarise main ideas from more than on paragraph

    2d Make inference from the text / explain and justify inferences with evidence from the text

    2e Predict what might happen from details started and implied

    2f Identify / explain how information / marrative content is related and contributes to meaning as a whole

    2g Indentify / explain how meaning is enhanced through choice of words and phases

    2h Make comparisions within the text

  • Celebrating Reading

    We aim to promote reading for enjoyment and as an activity which is chosen for its own intrinsic value.  We want our pupils to be surrounded by people who are enthusiastic about reading and act as excellent role models.  We endeavour to ensure our school is a place where reading for pleasure is evident and where reading is celebrated.

    Our Reading Environments

    Around school, reading break-out zones celebrate a love of reading.

    Each class has its own selection of books containing a wide range of materials as well as a range of stories and poems.

    These book corners are made cosy and inviting and maintained so they stimulate and engage children.

    Our school library is used by all classes and is continually being developed to reflect the needs and preferences of our children.  Our library can be used not only for fiction but as a reference for teaching and learning across our creative curriculum.

    Celebrating Reading

    Reading is not only celebrated across our learning environments but takes high profile in assemblies.

    We celebrate reading by taking part in National events such as World Book day.

    We also invite authors and poets into school to bring the subject alive and to continue to promote a love of reading.

    The school also has a reading buddy scheme where children from KS2 get to share their skills with children in EYFS and KS1.