Welcome to Heyes Lane Year 3

Welcome to the wonderful world of KS2,
Let’s look at the delights that await me and you.
We can’t wait to start Year 3,
What an exciting journey it will be!
We’ll go on this adventure together,
There will be ups and downs on the way,
But, if we understand our different talents and strengths,
We will achieve them come what may.
We will collaboratively learn, share and explore,
And of our curriculum, there is so much more.
We will build friendships and respect for each other,
We will always look out for one another.
We will look to the past at a bygone civilisation,
We will learn about Ancient Greece and the power of that nation.
The Lorax will guide us in saving planet earth,
By being active citizens, we will prove our worth.
Applying your research to an animal report,
You will be able to celebrate all you have been taught.
Numbers, fractions, time and shape too,
Your number skills will develop through and through.
We will widen our knowledge in many more ways,
Broadening our learning each and every day.
Art, Spanish, music, R.E,
We will work together to ‘be the best me’.
So welcome to Year 3 to one and all,
Reach for the stars and we will catch you if you fall.
Of course it’s important to have lots of fun,
In the magnitude of learning that will be done.
Your Year 3 team.

Useful Information
Homework will be sent out every week on a Friday, to be returned on a Wednesday.
Children in Year 3 are expected to read every day, recording what they have read in their reading journals. They will each have a colour banded book, as well as an appropriate book selected from the class library.
Ten weekly spellings will be sent home every Friday, to be tested on the following Friday.