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HLP’s current Equality Objectives and How They Will Be Met

Objective 1

Narrow the gap in attainment between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged pupils.

Proposes Actions

  • Ensure Intervention programmes and support is better tailored to meet the gaps of the learners
  • To build and implement improved diagnostic assessments for identifying barriers and gaps to attainment
  • To increase teaching skills in intervention programmes
  • To engage parents more in the awareness and promotion of practice and fluency

Progress Monitoring
June 2021

Objective 2

To further develop the environments and teaching resources throughout school to better represent diversity

Proposes Actions

  • Make adaptations and improvements to the planning for threading diversity through whole school Themes where possible.
  • Developing the Diversity strand in bespoke BTBM curriculum to enhance teaching
  • Resourcing environment with better images, books, resources etc to promote a more diverse community

Progress Monitoring
June 2021

Objective 3

To continue to develop the adaptations to physical environments and curriculum pupils with mobility difficulties

Proposes Actions

  • Environmental access plan actions carried out.
  • Curriculum adaptations regularly monitored and collaborated on with other professionals to ensure maximum participation in quality first teaching lessons
  • Staff training enhancements

Progress Monitoring
June 2021