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SEND & Inclusion

I am a Promise by The Bill Gaither Trio.

You are part of our Heyes Lane family – a very warm welcome from everyone.

Our class teachers have planned a wonderful, exciting year to help you learn, grow, play and have fun.  You will read new stories, learn new words, new skills, explore the world, make new friends, try new experiences and feel proud of all you have achieved.  Have a look at your year group page for more details about the exciting topics you will cover and information about your class.

Sometimes learning and playing is easy, sometimes it takes more time and practice.  Stick with it, keep trying and you can do anything you set your mind on.  We are here to help you.

Believe in yourself, your friends, your teachers and your school – together we can achieve more.  So get ready, the journey has only just begun…

Inclusion at Heyes Lane

At Heyes Lane, we strive to be a fully inclusive school, where all members of our school community feel supported, respected, valued and seen for who they are as individuals. We believe every child is unique and brings with them their own strengths, qualities and experiences that should be recognised, celebrated and supported.

We intentionally plan for the achievement and personal growth of all our children so that they progress and achieve their best possible outcomes. Through our high-quality first teaching and inclusive approach, all children access our immersive, creative and collaborative curriculum. This enables them to grow into resilient, caring, active citizens who are confident and secure in themselves and ready for the next stage in their education journey.

Parent/Carer Partnership

At Heyes Lane we believe a positive partnership between parents/carers and school is essential for our pupils to achieve their full potential.  We value your views and input in your child’s education and development.  Parents/Carers are always welcome and are actively encouraged to arrange meetings with class teachers, the SENCo and the SEN team to discuss their child’s support and progress at any point throughout the year.

Please see our Parent Partnership pages within the SEND Info section for further information.











Welcome to The Hub!

The happiness, security and emotional well-being of all our students is of great importance to us. We wanted to create a calm, quiet and welcoming space to show our children that there is always someone available to listen, whether it be for a short 5 minute chat, or a longer session about a bigger worry or problem.

Run by Mrs Buckley our Pastoral Support Officer, The Hub is peaceful and comfortable, a resting space for anyone to drop by and have a friendly chat, talk through an anxiety or ask for support and guidance.

Throughout the year, Mrs Buckley also uses The Hub as a place from which to run a number of targeted emotional health programmes, focusing around:

  • Anxiety and Worries
  • Anger Management
  • Self-Esteem
  • Friendship
  • Drawing and Talking

Whilst all students in school access our universal core offer through our bespoke Be The Best Me  PSHE curriculum, we offer these programmes as additional support to those students who need it.

We were selected to be part of Trafford’s Mental Health Support Team programme this year, giving us access more specialist support for individual pupils through a block of counselling sessions from a Place 2 Be Mental Health Practitioner.

Building our pupils’ emotional resilience is vital and something that lasts a lifetime. We want to equip our pupils with all the tools and resources necessary to complete their Primary school journey happily, and with confidence in both themselves and us.

The Sunshine Room

The Sunshine Room is our small group social, emotional provision, which is based in KS1.  This is for our pupils who need more personalised support to meet their social, emotional and mental health needs.  The Sunshine Room enables our pupils to access their learning in a smaller, quieter environment and with a higher ratio of adults to pupils.  Pupils continue to access their class learning but are able to complete tasks in the Sunshine Room during timetabled slots.

The Sunshine Room is also used for running SEMH and Pastoral Support interventions for small groups of pupils who would benefit from targeted support in these areas.  Pupils access these interventions for time-limited block (usually half a term) and their progress is monitored carefully.  There is a strong focus on nurture principles to allow our pupils to feel safe and connected so they develop their social skills, emotional regulation and build their independent learning skills.


SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability)

We believe every child is unique and brings their own strengths, experiences and qualities with them to our school community.  We believe these should be recognised, celebrated and supported.

At Heyes Lane, we strive to be a fully inclusive school.  Our school community shares a belief in equality for all pupils and staff in line with the Equalities Act 2010.  We believe inclusion is a sense of belonging, feeling respected, valued and seen for who we are as individuals.  We aim to create a level of supportive energy and commitment from everyone for everyone and where we intentionally plan for the success of all our pupils.  Our staff are fully committed to enabling all our pupils to reach their full potential irrespective of their gender, age, ethnicity, religion, ability and social background through our creative, engaging and immersive curriculum, with regard to the National Curriculum guidelines 2014.

Click on the links below to find out more information about a specific area of SEND and the provision we have on offer for our pupils.  Our SEN Information Report gives an overview of our approach to SEND at Heyes Lane while our SEND and Inclusion policy provides more detailed information.

We look forward to working in partnership with you to ensure your child is happy, engaged and fully supported during their time at Heyes Lane.  If  you have any questions about our SEND provision or how we can best support your child, we invite you to make an appointment with us, via the school office or email.

Mrs Sharon Meacock and Miss Rachel Schofield

Tel: 0161 973 9850

Email: SEND@heyeslane.co.uk

  • SEN Info Report & SEND Policy

    SEN Information Report

    Our SEN Information Report gives you a summary of our policy and practice in meeting the needs of our pupils with SEND. Click on the link below to read the report.

    SEND and Inclusion Policy

    Our SEND and Inclusion policy has been updated for the new academic year, in consultation with staff, parents/carers and Governors.

  • Cognition & Learning

    My child needs support with Cognition and Learning

    Your child may need support with:

    • Reading and spelling
    • Learning new vocabulary and concepts
    • Memory
    • Number and calculations
    • General learning

    Your child may have conditions such as:

    • Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD)
    • Downs Syndrome
    • Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD): Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia

    Waves of Support

    Interventions Grid

  • Communication & Interaction

    My child needs support with Communication and Interaction

    Your child may need support with:

    • Attention and listening skills
    • Understanding language
    • Using language
    • Speech sounds
    • Interacting with others
    • Speaking fluently

    Your child may have a diagnosis of speech delay, Developmental Language Disorder (DLD), Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and/or Sensory Processing Difficulties.

    Waves of Support

    Interventions Grid

  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health
    Social, Emotional and Mental Health

    My child needs support with Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties

    Your child may need support with:

    • Attendance
    • Attention and listening skills
    • Anxiety
    • Impulsivity and/or hyperactivity
    • Low self-esteem
    • Managing anger
    • Forming and maintaining relationships
    • Depression
    • Self-harm
    • Bereavement
    • Life outside school

    Your child may have a diagnosis of ADD/ADHD, Attachment Disorder Anxiety Disorder or Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) – please see our section for ASD within Communication and Interaction.

    Waves of Support

    Interventions Grid

  • Physical, Sensory & Medical

    My child needs support with Sensory and/or Physical Needs (including medical needs)

    Your child may need support with:

    • Vision
    • Hearing
    • Mobility
    • Gross-motor co-ordination
    • Fine-motor co-ordination
    • Medical needs

    Your child may have conditions such as diabetes, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, dyspraxia, visual impairment, hearing impairment or Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD)  (please see our section for Communication and Interaction)

    Waves of Support

    Interventions Grid

  • Parent Partnership SEND Forum

    Parent Partnership SEND Forum

    Working in partnership with our parents and carers is important to us at Heyes Lane and we hope that you find our Parent Partnership SEND Forums informative, friendly and supportive.  The SENCo, along with a core group of parents and carers of pupils with SEND, will run the Forum once a term and anyone interested in special educational needs and disability is welcome to come along and join us for coffee, cake and a chat.

    The aims of the Forum are:

    • To provide a network of support for parents and carers of pupils with SEND.
    • To share information about our school SEND policy and practice with parents and carers.
    • To provide opportunities to share information, advice and resources on specific areas of SEND.
    • To seek parent and carer views.
    • To work in partnership with parents and carers to enhance our SEND policy and practice.

    Each term, the Forum will take a specific focus on an area of SEND and share information on this theme.  There will also be access to Trafford’s Local Offer for information about local services.

    Please keep checking this page for updated information.

    We look forward to seeing you soon.

    Mrs Meacock and the Forum Team

    Trafford Parent SEND Forum

    Parent Carers Presentation Jan 2020

    Trafford Family Information Service (FIS)

    Communication Chain

    Zones of Regulation Poster

    Acronyms and Terminology

    Following discussions with parents/carers, a list of SEND and Education acronyms and terminology has been compiled. Please let us know if you come across any others that are missing from this list and we’ll add them in!

    HLPS Acronyms and Terminology

  • Additional Information

    Click on the link below to view the flow chart of our Graduated Approach for Additional Needs.

    Graduated Approach Flow Chart 2023-24

    Trafford’s Graduated Approach to SEND

    Traford have updated their Graduated Approach document for meeting the needs of pupils with SEND in school.  Please see the information booklet for parents/carer below more more detailed information.  Information can also be found on the Local Offer – see link below.

    Trafford’s Graduated Approach Doc.pdf

    Trafford’s Graduated Approach -Local Offer


    Further assessment and advice regarding specific areas of need can be sought through referrals to the specific service pathways. E.g. TCAS Pathway (ADHD), TASC Pathway (ASD), SALT, Sensory OT and OT, Educational Psychologist and SENAs Teams.

    In order to refer a pupil for further assessment, schools are required to follow the Assess, Plan, Do Review (APDR) cycle as detailed in Trafford’s Graduated Approach guidance (see Trafford’s Local Offer for more info). All referrals require a term or two terms of evidence from the APDR cycle/s from home and school before a referral can be submitted. For referrals that incur a cost to school, these are strategically planed based on level of need in school. We hold an internal waiting list for all referral pathways to manage capacity to complete these and ensure a fair process for all pupils. Where concerns are only raised from parents/carers then there are specific steps/actions from each pathway regarding the actions parents/carers need to take before a referral can be submitted.


    Trafford’s Link Newsletter

    The Link Newsletter is Trafford’s termly source of information for parents and carers of children with SEND.  You can find out about local information and services, advice and guidance, along with a list of leisure activities and events.

    The Link Newsletter

    Trafford’s Parent SEND Forum

    Trafford have a local Parent SEND Forum that provides information about local services and support for parents and carers of children with special educational needs and disabilities.  They hold regular meetings within the local area and also offer an online service for parents and carers who cannot attend meetings.

    Weekly drop-in sessions are being held for parents and carers on Tuesdays between 10:00 and 12:00 at The Life Centre in Sale.  There are also monthly drop-in surgeries with Trafford’s new Independent Advice Service SENDIASS, formerly (PYPPS).  See below link for further info on this service.  You can also email them on sendiass@trafford.gov.uk.  They are currently running a survey to seek views from service users so please take the opportunity to share your views -see link below.

    Please see their website for more information.


    Trafford’s Local Offer

    Trafford’s Local Offer for Parents/Carers

    Trafford SENDIASS Info

    Click on the link below to find out about Trafford’s STEP parent support group.


    Emotionally-Based School Non-Attendance (EBSNA)

    Trafford’s Educational Psychology service have teamed up with MMU and launched the EBSNA pilot project.  This aims to identify children who are at risk of school avoidance early and ensure early support for the pupil and their families.  School staff will work closely with families and pupils to identify areas of difficulty and agree a plan of support.

    You can find out more about this project on the Trafford Local Offer (see link below).

    If you are concerned about your child’s school avoidance please contact Mrs Meacock, SENCo or Mrs Buckley, Pastoral Support, for further information.

    EBSNA Info

    Training Courses, Events and Further Info

    See the links below for:

    • School Nursing poster for info on local services.
    • Inclusive Activity Tooklkit for info to help prepare for events and activities
    • Info on the Local Offer about Trafford’s TASC Pathway for assessment of ASC.

    School Nursing Local Services

    Inclusive activity toolkit Sept 19

    TASC Pathway Info

    To find out more about What’s On in Trafford, please see the above link to The Link Newsletter.